#British democracy

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2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Can we really trust AI to channel the public's voice for ministers? | Seth Lazar

AI, specifically large-language models (LLMs), can potentially be used to enhance British democracy by summarizing and analyzing public consultations and preparing legal documents. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Michael Gove to name organisations affected by new extremism definition

Michael Gove wants to name extremist groups under parliamentary privilege despite legal concerns
New counter-extremism strategy to target organisations undermining British democracy, focusing on ideology over actions or words [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Can we really trust AI to channel the public's voice for ministers? | Seth Lazar

AI, specifically large-language models (LLMs), can potentially be used to enhance British democracy by summarizing and analyzing public consultations and preparing legal documents. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Michael Gove to name organisations affected by new extremism definition

Michael Gove wants to name extremist groups under parliamentary privilege despite legal concerns
New counter-extremism strategy to target organisations undermining British democracy, focusing on ideology over actions or words [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago
Europe politics

Government attacks on right to protest show Brexit threatens traditional British freedoms

The Rejoin EU Party welcomes the sacking of Suella Braverman.
The party criticizes Braverman's attempt to pressure the Metropolitan Police to ban a protest march in London.
The party sees Brexit as damaging to the economy and political standards in the UK. [ more ]
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